Thursday 27 October 2011

London Photography Walks

Photography walks in London are now being planned. These will be around interesting parts of London lead by a professional photographer with a passion for historic buildings and heritage.
The plan is for 'excursions' lasting up to 3 hours and costing around £25.00 per person, they will be held mainly at weekends, initially with one a month. Most will be aimed at the amateur with only a basic knowledge of photography and having anything from a compact camera through to a SLR. Group size will be kept small around 5 persons so as to allow for personal attention.
Further information can be found at: with final details and booking via our associate website:

Saturday 8 October 2011

Southwark Course 15th October

There are still places available on the course at Southwark Cathedral next Saturday and we are offering a 50% discount on purchasing a second ticket for the course - so bring a friend.

Please book via our website:  (50% refund on second ticket given on the day)